Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Tate and I have had a wonderful last 24 hours. We arrived here in Muscatine on Monday afternoon and met Mom, Lani and Cassie for lunch. We hung out at mom and dad's, had a great dinner and then went to Geneva so that Brigg and Lani could swim for a bit. They are so fun to watch and Tate couldn't take his eyes off of them!

Today Tate, Mom and I went to Davenport to do some shopping. We met Lora and Ava for lunch and then we all went to TJ Maxx. Tate got a couple of items there and so did I and of course Mom did as well! Lora and Ava had to leave after TJ Maxx and so Mom and I headed to Northpark Mall. We went to Younkers and got Tate some jammies for this winter and then hit Gymboree, Baby Gap and Von Maur. Tate was a complete angel the whole time of course. He took a nap in his stroller while we shopped at the mall.

We headed back to Muscatine and relaxed at home for an hour or so and then Tate and I headed out to meet Marsha, Gary and Don (Tate's birth Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandpa) for dinner at Pizza Ranch. YUMMY! Tate ate a ton of mashed potatoes and had so much fun flirting with all of the people at the surrounding tables. We all chatted and took pictures. It was a great time! Following dinner, Tate and I decided to go over to Marsha and Gary's house for a while before he had to go to bed. He loved rolling around on their floor and jabbered up a storm. It was so nice to be able to spend time with them! I never forget how blessed we are to have this wonderful adoption story, but nights like this make me feel even more blessed! God is SO GOOD! He placed not only this amazing child in our lives, but also placed more amazing people in our lives than we ever imagined! Our family has grown so much with the addition of Tate into our life. We feel as though we have always known Brandon, Marsha, Gary and Don. It is so comfortable...it is family! We cannot wait for Tate to grow up and understand his adoptions story. When he does, he will be able to truly see exactly how loved he is!

I have taken many pictures and plan to take many more before I head home. I will post them when I get home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say thanks again to you and your mom for inviting Ava and I. I had a really nice time! I wish we could have stayed longer to shop. I hope we can work out another time for us to get together. We miss you guys and loved our vacation to Florida. I can hardly believe it is over. Now its back to the grind! Well have a safe trip home and I will be talking to you soon. Give Tate a hug and a kiss from Ava and I.
