Monday, April 02, 2007

It's been a while...

I know I haven't posted in forever, but I haven't felt like there was much worth posting about. I haven't taken any pictures in days, I feel like I am buried in piles of laundry and dirty dishes, I have a list a mile long for each day this week and every moment I have spent on my computer has been working on putting my blog into a hard copy. Well, I finished putting my blog into hard copy today and I finished the dishes too. That's a relief. Although, I still have about 8 loads of laundry to do.

Tomorrow I am starting off the day with a little play date. I am watching Bode in the morning, so Landon and Melissa are going to come over and hang out also. Then I have to call our lawyer about doing all of our adoption finalizations because we have our final post placement visit on Thursday! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Then I will probably tackle some laundry and then I am going to open up Jennie Peakin's Salon at a friends tomorrow to do some hair. I am sure tomorrow will be over before I know it! Then on Wednesday Tate and I are heading to Williamsburg to meet with Lora and Ava and do a little shopping and hanging out. Hopefully it's not rainy. When we get home from there I am sure I will again try and tackle some more laundry and then make dinner. Then on Thursday as I said earlier, we have our last post placement visit and the adoption will be final! I think we'll probably run to the grocery store after the visit and get all of the ingredients I am going to need for a couple cakes I plan on making for Easter and a couple pans of cheesy potatoes that I am bringing on Sunday when we go to Colo. Then on Friday I am going to bake the cakes. They are so cute and I hope they turn out. If they are as cute as I hope they will be, I will post pictures! :) Then on Saturday I am going to do some potted plants and make my cheesy potatoes and hopefully get some relaxing time in there too! We are so excited to celebrate Tate's first Easter in Colo on Sunday with the Peakin side of the family! We can't wait to see everyone! Then on Monday Tate has his 6 month well baby check up and shots! :( YUCK! That night, Kay is coming to visit and will be staying the night! WOOHOO! After that, we have no plans!!! So that's my crazy life for the next 7 days. I am going to bed now, just typing all of the stuff I have to do makes me tired!

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