Sunday, September 10, 2006

God's Shouts

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, he speaks to us in our conscience, but he shouts to us in our pain." -C.S. Lewis

At church today, our pastor spoke about finding the joy in painful times. He talked about how spiritual growth comes from times of pain and God shouts to us during those times. We just have to listen. God shouts to us in those times, yet those are the times that it seems as though he's hardest to hear. That is because we're not listening. Many times, we do not allow ourselves to hear him in the times that we need him the most. This quote spoke to me today. It is so true!

I have had countless numbers of wonderful, happy times in my life. I have been so blessed. Yet, never did I hear God in any of those times. He was whispering and I was having too much fun to pay any attention. Although, my life has been so blessed, never have I been more blessed than when we began going through fertility problems. That blessing was greater than any other in my life, because that made me grow spiritually. That blessing led my to realize that I am not in control and that I had no choice but to hand all of that pain over to the Lord and let Him take control. He shouted to me during that time, and although it took a while for me to hear, by the time I was at my lowest low, I heard Him loud and clear. WHAT A BLESSING! Without experiencing that pain, I don't know how much farther I may have gone through life before realizing what was most important. Now, I can't imagine my life without Him. I wonder sometimes how I ever made it this far. I still stray and still struggle to hear God's shouts during tough times and I know I will always have to remind myself to stop and listen. I know that this walk is not easy and that there will be many bumps along the way and I may stray now and again, but I will never forget who to turn to during those times and I will always remember to remind myself to listen. No matter what happens during my walk through life, I will never stop reminding myself where it will lead me. I know that I can get through anything by listening to God who is always by my side.

"Life is but a speck compared to eternity." -Candi Stewart :)

Our walk of faith here on earth is meant to prepare us for eternity, though it will seem impossible at times, I will always try to remember that ALL things are possible with God and I will find joy in that, knowing that by serving God here, I will be rewarded beyond any words for eternity in Heaven!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears your church services are having quite an impact... that is wonderful. The hard part is putting these words of wisdom in practice. I am cheering you on, hon! You are growing in your faith and NOTHING could make me happier or more proud!! God bless you always, Jennie!! I love you!!!!