Monday, July 05, 2010

paint and haircuts

Yesterday, I was at my sister's doing Jody's hair when Cassie realized that Tate and Ayla were being strangely quiet while playing. This is not a good sign. She went to check on them in Lani's room and found paint all over the carpet and their clothes and ALL OVER their faces. They had painted their own (or each others...not sure which) faces like clowns...seriously. I didn't have my camera, but oh how I wish I did. And that wasn't all. There was hair all over the room...they had cut their own (or each others) hair. Ugh. I couldn't find where Ayla's had been cut so I ran my fingers through it and chunks came out...chunks. Ugh. Tate has a couple of chunks out of his as well...he was due for a haircut so that's good. :)

1 comment:

sarak said...

what? Sounds like something Olivia would have happily joined in on! Hope her hair is o.k.