Monday, July 05, 2010

Independence Day

Today was fairly uneventful. The weather ended up being nice so there was a short water balloon fight that ensued in the afternoon, but aside from that, it was a pretty low key day.
Tate and I napped together...this is amazing for him! He doesn't nap unless we are driving and he falls asleep in the car for a short cat nap. I knew we'd be up late tonight though, so thought I'd give it a try. PLUS, I was exhausted from staying up until the wee hours reading Twilight (more on that later). So after about 2 hours of him laying awake while I dozed off and on between continuously telling him that he needed to close his eyes and sleep, he finally drifted off and so did I for another 2 hours! It was nice. :)
We had a yummy supper and then had to head out to the fireworks. We may have had the best seat in town...the view was PERFECT! It's kind of a tradition (or at least it's becoming one) to park the big conversion van and sit on top of it and in the back of it while we watch the show.
Tate loves fireworks. This is us just waiting for the show to begin...

Lani and Paul...

and this is just because I NEVER get in any pictures. I know, this is totally a good photo...ha. It's hard to take a picture of myself with my big, heavy camera! And Tate clearly wasn't enthused...

Brigg and Papa sitting on top of the van...

Cassie and Ayla...

The kids were amazed...Cassie and I took pictures (I know, big shock!)...

The Burback Family.
The headphones on Ayla crack me up!!!

Sean worked tonight so he wasn't able to join in on the festivities.
I wish he had been able to be there.
He worked on Friday (they called him last minute to ask if he could) so that he could have tonight off, but then on Saturday when he was working they asked if he wouldn't mind still working tonight. So he did.
I do appreciate so much how hard he works.
We are home and ready for some Daddy time. He's off for the next couple of days so we look forward to spending time with him since we haven't seen him all weekend!

Hope you all had a Happy 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

brigg looks 16.