Sunday, September 01, 2013

Over the last month...

Well where do I even begin?!  A lot has gone on over the last month.  Just getting into the new routine of the school year, sleep schedules, etc. has been quite the adjustment!

I've been 3 weeks on a paleo cleanse and feel great!  I haven't had a migraine for weeks and have managed to lose a few pounds too!  And eating clean isn't that hard, but it is definitely pricey!

 We had an "incident" at Wesley's school which made us feel most comfortable pulling him out for the time being while some things are ironed out.  It is an extremely long story, but the way short version is that Wesley was left in the nurse's office with a fever for several hours without me getting a phone call.  The nurse "forgot" to call me.  We had had a detailed conversation about the importance of her calling me in several situations  ESPECIALLY if Wes had a fever.  That along with a plethora of other things  has caused us to question whether we should even send him back there.  They have made it clear they are willing to work with us to make us comfortable sending him back, but we will see...  

We celebrated my Dad's birthday and it still makes me so happy that my whole family is all living so close to one another!  Love that we can all get together and all of Stewart cousins are able to play on a regular basis!

Cason started walking a few days ago!  Praise GOD!  He has defied all odds!  He is truly a miracle child and we adore him beyond words and are so incredibly proud of his accomplishments!
He went from a few steps to literally 2 hours later, walking across the room.  Then, the next day, we has walking about 50% of the time, the day after that probably 75% of the time and now today he has even begun pulling himself up from sitting without having to use furniture to stand.  He is now walking about 90% of the time.

Football season has begun!!!!

We had tickets to the first game and it never gets old being in Iowa City, surrounded by fellow Hawkeye fans and watching the Hawks come in to some AC/DC.  I love me some Kinnick Stadium!

We bleed black and gold! 

Kinnick Stadium is one of my favorite places to be!

Hoping we'll get to be there with the DeCook's on September 21st for my birthday...oh, and maybe they'll pull out a win that day! :)

And the girl with me pictured above?  That's Jamie...she and I met 1/7/08 (yup, I remember the exact date...did you know that, Jamie?!).  Anyway, she and I have taken our relationship to the next level and have become business partners!  She is an incredibly talented photographer and we are joining forces on something we are super excited to announce in a couple of weeks!

I was planning on getting better at keeping my blog updated once school was back in session, but with Wesley returning home for these last couple of weeks, that didn't work out as planned.  So hopefully soon I will be getting better!'s been a long time!

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