Wednesday, July 25, 2012

odds and ends

I am feeling a bit less overwhelmed this evening.  Not sure why.  Maybe it's the white russian I just drank. ;)  No really, I am a bit more as ease than my last post.

I feel like making a paper chain to count down the days until I am able to share the faces of our 2 sweet boys with all of you.  Problem is...I wouldn't know how long to make the chain because we don't have our adoption finalization date yet.

It's crazy, really.  Thinking of where we are today...where we were a year ago...the fact that even the day before we got the call for our baby, we never would have dreamed we would end up with 2 children within a month of each other, both with significant needs beyond your "average" child.  It's amazing how God's plans are often SO DIFFERENT from your own, often times His plans take us onto a road that's much more difficult and tiring than the road we would have chosen for ourselves, but with those challenges comes great reward. 

I am not going to tell you that we are at the 100% rewarding part yet. :)  Will we ever be as parents though?  I will say, this challenging road is reaping some rewards.  It's definitely redirected my focus in my life, aligned my priorities a bit more.  I faulter...often, but I notice those faults in my heart a lot more quickly than I did even 2 months ago.  I would consider this great progress.

The new house, though slowly coming together, is still complete chaos in my book.  I mean, I just want it to be unpacked and clean...that's all I ask.  Problem is, I have to DO it.  I've not been terribly successful at just getting at it until it's done.  I don't even know if that's possible with the family situation we have.  It will get will.  In the meantime, it's wonderful to still be able to entertain friends and family here and know that they are understanding of our house being out of sorts.  We have the best friends and family. :)

I am back on the weightloss wagon...finally.  I had gained some weight over the last few months.  I knew I was gaining, but feared stepping on the scale.  Apparently, I eat my emotions and I had A LOT of emotions going on over the course of the last severa months!  Also, I haven't run for months (at least on a regular basis, I haven't) and so I let myself go.  The second I saw the weight gain when I stepped on the scale a week ago, I was back on the wagon.  I am happy to say I have lost 7 lbs this week since paying attention to what I am putting in my body!  I signed up for the Color Run with some great friends and family.  It will be in Des Moines in October and so my plan is (as soon as it gets below 100 degrees!) to start running again!  I loved my time spent running and even moreso loved how I felt afterwards, so I am planning to get back at that...hopefully next week.  I am anticipating that will help in my losing ALL of the weight I gained and much, much more! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennie! I have been keeping up with you and your family through your blog. I am signed up for the color run in D.M. too - 4:00 wave! It would be fun to see each other!
Jocelyn (Caddell) Kitzinger

Andrea Dellit said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. It will all get done. Don't pressure yourself. :) I'm learning the same journey myself. And what time are you doing the color run? We are doing the 1pm wave!