Thursday, July 08, 2010

the post where I talk about sleep, Florida, breakfast and saying "no"

Tate fell out of bed last night...twice. Seriously...between my recent insomnia (I'm lucky if I can drift off within 3 hours of going to bed...ugh), Tate's periodic night terrors and nightmares and now him falling out of bed, I feel like I have an infant who doesn't sleep through the night again! I fell asleep at 4am last night. I tossed and turned for HOURS! It is so frustrating!!! 4am has been a magic time for me over the last few weeks. I think it's been my "drifting off to sleep" time at least 10 of the last 20 days.

On another note...we leave for Florida in LESS than 3 weeks!!! We were originally going to be leaving 3 weeks from today, but due to a change in Sean's schedule from what we thought it would be, we get to leave a day or so early! YAY! It is going to be a much needed trip for us. Sean's going to be thrilled to have NORMAL sleep for nearly 2 weeks and hopefully I will have some normal sleep while we're there too. We plan on doing a whole lotta nothing while we're down there. On the agenda...beach, pool, relax, eat, beach, pool, relax, get the idea. There will also be a little birthday celebration for my brother added into the mix as well as a "girls day" that Sara and I plan to have which will include a bit of shopping (likely window shopping) and lunch. For the boys, we would need to add golfing into that list. Since they'll likely be golfing SEVERAL times, we thought we deserved to have at least 1 girls day! And of course, we will be seeing and spending time with Chris, Brenda, Bode and Boone...woohoo!

So in the next 3 weeks, we have several things we would love to fit in. I am hoping we can get some more pool time in so that Tate can "practice" before all the swimming we'll be doing in Florida. My sister and her family went to Ardon Creek winery and had a great time...we want to go there as well with the DeCooks and have a fun picnic and wine tasting. Also, we want to go to the Maquoketa drive in theater. man the Water For Christmas booth at the Bix and make a weekend trip to Des Moines. Since almost all of these things include Sean, we have to work around his work schedule and with his 12 hour night shifts, when he's working his 3 day stint each week, he is either sleeping or working every second of those days. So that cuts our 3 week timeline into more like 10 days that we need to fit all that in! Whew!

For the last 2 mornings Tate has eaten 2 waffles in addition to 2 pancakes for breakfast. And both mornings when he was done with those, he said, "mommy, I'm still hungry." Geez, this boy (along with my hollow legged husband) is going to eat me broke someday! Add into the mix any more boys we may have and holy moly we could be in trouble!

Lastly, Tate asked for a popcicle mid morning today and I looked at him and said, "hmmmmmm...I guess you can have one." He just looked at me with his dimply smile and said, "mommy, no one can say 'no' to me." I said, "I can say 'no' to you!" He responded with a smirk, "I don't think you can mommy." After my jaw dropped at how much of a stinker he is, I said, "well I must need to practice saying 'no' to you more then!" He said, "you can try!" and walked off. WHAT?!?!?!?! I mean, did I just have that exchange with my 3 YEAR OLD?!!! UGH and UGH! That's all I can really say about that.


Jamie said...

I have heard good things about Melatonin. It is the natural chemical your body releases that makes you feel sleepy. They have vitamins with it, it isn't a 'sleeping pill' that makes you dead to the world for 10 hours but just a naturally sleepy feeling. You should pick some up, it may help you.

Candi said...

I just heard about it from Donna this weekend and then saw something on TV too... weird! I may try it or have it on hand for IF I need it!! :)