Sunday, November 08, 2009

YOU can help change the world...

My dad and Jody are now in the air on their way back home from Africa. To say this trip was life changing for my dad would be an understatement by the sounds of it. Apparently, he is going to be unrecognizable upon his return. I just looked at a picture of him on Jody's blog and I saw dimples. Dimples? I didn't know my dad even had dimples! I was asking Cassie, "did you know Dad had dimples?!" She said, "NO, because he's never smiled so big before!" I am SO EXCITED to hear everything about his trip! Every time Cassie or my mom talked to him, they said it was like talking to a different person. They both said they've never heard him so happy in their lives. He was presented with a live chicken from the chief in one of the villages which he thought was just so cool! Go to Jody's blog to see a picture of him with the chicken along with all kinds of other pictures of the beautiful faces clean water is helping. It is truly amazing to see what a difference this is making and for my dad to get to meet, talk to, hold these people and children whose lives will be saved because of clean water is such an experience!

Please consider joining us in saving these lives. Even if only on one day...November 13th. Read below to see how to help...

Just one day.
24 hours.
And we need everyone.
Online blog, twitter, facebook, email, viral campaign.
Asking everyone to buy water.
To let their first gift of the season be life.'s the image.
The explanation is below.
And the link.
IF you want to invite people ahead of time via email or your blogs you can.
But on NOVEMBER 13, we need everyone.
Give $10.
Encourage everyone you know to give $10 on November 13.
Can you imagine if we all just came together, from all over the country/world, for one day?
And we all bought water together?
We all spent $10 to give life?
On November 13, when people begin to open up their Google Reader, their blog list, we want them to not be able to escape this

Updates, posts and statuses all over will be about buying water.

(Below is a ready-made explanation of the First Gift Campaign. if on Nov. 13, you just want to click and drag it to your blog or email, you can. Otherwise, you can write your own).

(if you click on the following image, you will be able to read it. sorry)

Gonna be fun.
Be thinking.
The image and explanation are yours to use.
Or you can write your own.
Link everyone here (yellow donate button) to donate.
Got it?
November 13.
First Gift online campaign.
Consider yourself personally invited to change the world...

1 comment:

Mom said...

OH YES!! PLEASE EVERYONE join us in this cause!!!!! Great post Jennie!! : )