Sunday, August 02, 2009

Lora and Ava Visit

Lora and Ava arrived on Friday evening in time for dinner. We just hung out and the kids played and played. It's always so cute to watch them together!

They had so much fun and so did Lora and I! It is always so special to spend time with Lora. We connect on so many levels and can just sit and talk for HOURS!

We did just that...we stayed up until around 1:30a.m on Friday night and until 4:00a.m on Saturday night!!! I don't remember the last time I stayed up until 4:00a.m! It was worth it though to be able to just sit and talk and talk with Lora.

Thank you Lora and Ava for coming to visit! We love you so much!

A little popcorn and a movie before bed...


It was so cute...Ava organized all of the Manny tools and put all of the matching ones together...

We decided to cut Ava's hair into a little bob kind of on a whim. It turned out so cute!

Bath time...

This picture cracks me up! Tate wanted the pop he was reaching for and I had said no. He just looked at me with this sad look and reached his hand out like he is here and kept it there and just stared at me.

Snuggling in for a show before bedtime...


sarak said...

So cute! Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

all of the pictures of ava and tate are sooo cute! i am glad you guys had fun. wish i could have been there. miss you and love you! ava's hair is awesome. i may have to get my hair cut like that now!
love you, kay