Saturday, January 19, 2008


Tate has a rash all over his torso. It's pretty nasty...lots of little red bumps that are just barely raised. He is not acting like it itches him or bothers him at all for that matter. He hasn't been feverish for over 24 hours now and his cough is almost gone. I don't know what it is. I am not terribly worried because he is acting fine, just kind of curious as to what it is. If it's still there after his nap, maybe I'll take a picture of it and post it so all of you mothers of little ones out there can tell me if your child has ever had this.


Gretchen said...

I bet it is Roseola. Hayden had it this year. he had a high fever for a few days, then it broke and he had a rash for a few days. The rash didn't bother him at all.

Gretchen said...

After seeing the pictures it looks exactly like what Hayden had!

Anonymous said...

Id agree. My kids have had something like that after having a fever. Poor Tater.

Sara said...

Jack had that earlier this fall. It didn't seem to bother him either. After reading some of my books I decided it was Roseola too. It didn't last long.

Anonymous said...

Guess you don't need to worry any longer.... looks like Roseola is it!! I told your Dad that too after you called yesterday. :-) Who needs doctors anyhow?!? HA!

sarak said...

Hopefully its not 5th Disease. That is going around Ames! Yuck!

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

When Bode has diaper rash I put baking soda in the water an it clears him up pretty good. Not sure if it would work on that, but may be worth a try.

Jennie Peakin said...

Actually his rash is gone now! WOOHOO!