When I went into Tate's room to get him up from his nap this is how I found him! He started pulling himself up in the last couple of days, but has never done it in his crib. When he saw how excited I was, he got super excited himself and started hammin' it up! It was pretty cute. Good thing I had my camera at arms reach! As you can see in the picture, he was pulling at his curtain...that's another new thing he likes to do. Then when we went into the living room, I managed to capture him pulling himself up on video...check it out below! The crying at the beginning of the video is because he wanted the remote and when he tried to pull himself up to get it the first time, he didn't quite get up and so it was his frustrated/temper tantrum cry.
Tate pulls himself up!
if you have strings on those mini blinds...GET RID OF THEM. or move his bed out of arm's reach of them. just a baby safety reminder from you favorite sister...
good point...i'll do that!
you're so on top of things! if it weren't for you, tate probably wouldn't even be alive! ha.
Oh oh! He looks like he's on his way to learning how to climb out of the crib. Does it go any lower??
Jeremie is sick. He threw up last night...still in bed at 9 isnt like him at all...
Talk to you later!
oh no! I hope J. feels better soon!
Yes, the crib goes lower...we are lowering it more tomorrow!
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