Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wanting to crawl...

Tate wants to be mobile SO BADLY! He somehow finds a way to get to what he wants. He twists and turns and concocts his body into all kinds of weird positions and it some how gets him from point A to point B. We think it's pretty funny! He does get up on his hands and knees occasionally, but he doesn't know what to do once he's in that position. Here's a video of him doing his army crawl type thing. I couldn't capture it that well on this video, usually he goes more quickly to what he wants, but I thought this video was pretty funny anyway!

View this montage created at One True Media
Army Crawl...sort of


Anonymous said...

He's gettin' there!! Look out, soon you'll wish he'd just stay put!! :-)

Sara said...

It won't be long now! He is just going to take off one of these days.