Thursday, April 05, 2007

6 months!!!

Today Tate is 6 months! This is a big deal for an adoptive means that it is the last time you will have to have a post placement visit, the last time you have to answer a social worker's questions about whether you feel you've "bonded" with this child, the last time you have to worry about reporting to anyone! Although, we still have our court date to make the adoption "final" sometime in the next couple of weeks, but that is a happy moment! Not that visiting the social worker isn't a happy moment...we LOVE our social workers and love chatting with them. So, today we go to Bethany Christian Services and have our final post placement meeting. We can't believe it's already been 6 months! I had no idea it would go this fast.

So day, Tate woke up on the wrong side of the more ways than one! He was turned around and had himself jammed in the bottom corner of his bed with his arms and legs hanging out and stuck between the bars of the bed. It was a sight to see! He also was crying which is not typical for him when he wakes up. Ordinarilly he just jabbers until we go in there to get him. So when I picked him up, I found out why he was unhappy. He had pooped and wet through his diaper and pjs. Okay, this is the 4th day in a row this has happened! I need to go buy diapers and have decided that it's time to go up to a size 3. I can't think of any other reason why he'd be leaking out other than his diapers are getting too small. We'll see if that works. I wish I could post a picture of Tate, but I cannot find my camera battery charger and my batteries are dead, so I haven't taken any pictures in days! I had better find the charger in time to get my camera charged for Tate's first Easter!

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