Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our good little sleeper...

Tate is such a good little sleeper these days! It's amazing how they learn so quickly that crying won't get them anything in the middle of the night. Tate went down last night without a peep, no crying at all, and slept all night long. He did wake up just after 5 am (which is a little early for my liking, but I am not going to complain!) and sucked down a bottle in about 5 minutes flat and we layed him right back down awake and he put himself to sleep and slept for 4 more hours until 9:15! It's SO GREAT having 2 full nights of sleep in a row! I feel like a different person and Tate is like a different baby! I just layed him down for his nap and he didn't make a peep. It almost seems like in the last 24 hours, he doesn't fuss much in the day either. It's almost like he was using crying (whether he was sleepy or not) to manipulate us into picking him up and coddling him day and night. It just didn't bother me as much in the day so it wasn't as noticeable that he was doing it then too. So now he has been much better at being happy and playing and only fussing a little when he's tired and then that's when I know he needs a nap. Anyone who thinks that this "crying it out" stuff is heartless I would completely disagree with! Tate has been SO MUCH happier in the last day since we did's like he's a different baby! I know, I's only been 2 nights and I am not claiming that he will never cry or fuss again at bedtime. I am just happy that he didn't last night and am still just taking it one night at a time while enjoying my smiley, happy baby during the day!


Beckysblog said...

My mother in law and sister in law both tell me I am cruel.
Keep in mind, my sister in law has a 11 month old who still gets up at least 2 times a night!

Now THAT is cruel!

Great news Jennie!

Jennie Peakin said...

I completely disagree with the fact that it's cruel! I hate getting up in the night and not getting a full nights sleep, I don't know why a baby would want to get up in the night anymore than I do! Tate has been so much happier these last 2 days...I know that what we are doing is GOOD for him!