Wednesday, August 09, 2006

At the pool


Almost every waking moment for the last 11 days was spent in (or by) the pool. It was great! Delaney became quite the fish this last week and a half and Olivia spent a little bit of time in the pool, but preferred just hanging out by the pool and watching everyone else. And Sean played harder than anyone probably. Don't let the picture of him lounging deceive you (although he did do a lot of lounging), we was sore from all of the playing in the pool by the time we left and his feet are raw from the bottom of the pool! He's worse than a little kid! :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

The pic of Sean in the pool made me laugh out loud!!!!!!!!

Jennie Peakin said...

Ha. Me too. It takes quite a contraption to make that rock float!