Rub a Dub
This weekend will be another busy one. On Friday from work, we are going to get our taxes done. Then on Saturday Tate and I are going to hang out around the house and get some things done that have been neglected around here (such as laundry!!!) and then when he gets up from his nap we are going to a friend's house to do her hair. We are excited to have some 'family time' when Daddy gets off of work that night. Then on Sunday I am going to be meeting a friend out for brunch and giving her some infant boy items to borrow (she is pregnant with a boy). Sunday evening I am going to a Mark Schultz concert at my church. I know, I am quite the concert goer! :) Hopefully between my plans I can get some cleaning and laundry done around here! UGH! It's not easy to find time to do everything that needs done now that I am working full time. Oh well. We manage. :)